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Parish of Hempsted with

       St Mary de Lode and St Mary de Crypt

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Hempsted School

- Parish Partnership

St Swithun’s Church and Hempsted Church of England Primary School

working together to serve our community


Hempsted Church of England Primary School and St Swithun’s Church, Hempsted are committed to working together to serve the people of Hempsted. Under the Imagination priority of the diocesan LIFE vision, the PCC has as a priority the placing of Hempsted CofE Primary School at the heart of our mission with creative connections between church and school. As one school parent recently commented: ‘I love how the Church is a massive part of the school too.’

Parishioners joined pupils picking blackberries in the local fields as part of our centenary commemoration of World War 1

The vicar, Canon Nikki Arthy, is a frequent visitor, along with members of the Open the Book team, the Foundation Governors and the parish Pastoral Assistants.  Nikki leads Collective Worship in school regularly, as does the Open the Book team weekly. Nikki has worked with the school to define the school’s understanding of spirituality as: ‘Appreciating and being inspired by the awe and wonder of God’s world through reflection and meaningful connections.’  

The governors worked alongside the Senior Leadership Team, parents, pupils and the wider community to articulate the new school vision:

Growing Together in God’s Love

Our vision is to provide an inspirational education that engages our pupils, allowing them to achieve their unique God given potential underpinned by their strong values rooted in the Christian faith.

Our Mission Statement

We aim to achieve our vision by:

    Members of the Senior Leadership Team regularly attend diocesan training

with the vicar, other Foundation Governors and Chair of Governors


The theme for our popular Messy Church continues to reflect the school value for the term. Members of the Messy Church and Open the Book teams share in the leading of services for the school in St Swithun’s Church. The whole school community attends church for a service at Harvest, Christmas and Easter and there is a service for reception children and their families in September.

Once a month, children from school attend the mid week Eucharist in St Swithun’s where they observe and participate in all aspects of the service. This dimension to our worship is appreciated by all who attend.

Mid week Eucharist

Coffee and Chat is a weekly drop in for parents in the Lysons Hall run jointly by the parish pastoral team and Hempsted CofE pastoral team, supported by a staff member from The Family Haven. We are particularly pleased that parents enjoy attending and benefit from the support offered.

Coffee and Chat

There is a monthly Prayer Group which is open to parents, staff, governors and friends of the school with an invitation to pray for all members of the school community and their concerns. Prayer requests may be left in prayer boxes in the school foyer, at church, at Coffee and Chat or by email Members of the church recently worked with school staff to organise an annual creative prayer day for the whole school community.

Prayer Group

We were delighted to welcome ISingPop to church  for a tremendous concert. This was a fabulous opportunity to celebrate our Christian faith together.


School and Church