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Parish of Hempsted with

       St Mary de Lode and St Mary de Crypt

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God of tradition and of change,

you lead your people ever onwards with

gentle touch yet insistent Word.

Give us the grace to seek you,

the honesty to engage with you and the courage

To interpret the Gospel to your world;

through Jesus Christ. Amen.

We are very happy to carry out christenings, weddings and funerals for all those who live within our parish boundary,or have a connection with our churches.

If you would like to have your child christened or

to be married in one of our churches, then please

contact the Rector, Canon Nikki Arthy on

01452 523808 or email

Coming to Church

As a Christian community, we think particularly of those who are anxious and vulnerable. Everyone is welcome to any of our services. Individuals should make the decision not to come to church if feeling unwell but do feel free to wear a mask if you would like to. Thank you.

Prayers for the City take place in

Discover DeCrypt every Friday at 1.00pm

Coffee, Cake and Conversation takes place

11.00am -12.30pm beforehand in the

Old Crypt Schoolroom

Keep us, good Lord,

under the shadow of your mercy

in this time of uncertainty and distress.

Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort

knowing that nothing can separate us from your love

in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Please send any prayer requests to

The Family Haven’s

Shopping List

Click on the shopping  trolley to find out how you can donate

St Swithun’s Churchyard

The PCC has been alerted to a number of old headstones in St Swithun’s churchyard that are now dangerous: immediate remedial action is required to make safe. Please check notices in the churchyard to see if a family grave is affected.

St Swithun’s Churchyard Regulations

Diocese Of Gloucester Churchyard Regulations

Discover DeCrypt

 tel:01452 305235

Coffee Pot takes place on the third Friday of each month  

10.00am -11.30am in the Lysons Hall

All Welcome

Safeguarding is a key priority in the life of the Church.

Within our parish we reaffirm our commitment regularly.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact

our Parish Safeguarding Officers:

Roxy Nicholls t:01452 507676

Mary Gould     t:01452 419840 or the parish clergy

Diocesan Safeguarding Link - contact details of how to report a concern

Policy on the Safeguarding of Children and Young People

Policy on the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

Christian Aid and VaccinAid Appeals

Why not give thanks by making a donation to Christian Aid. Generosity in thanksgiving for vaccinations - Diocese of Gloucester


Gloucester Diocese


Christians have worshipped in Gloucester for many centuries. Here in the Parish of Hempsted with St Mary de Lode and St Mary de Crypt,Gloucester we are proud of the fact that we have care of the oldest parish church in the city, St Mary de Lode.

Along with the other churches in the parish, St Mary de Crypt and St Swithun’s, we are part of the Church of England in the Anglican diocese of Gloucester. Parish life is centred around the weekly celebration of the Eucharist as we continue to witness to the love of God in Jesus Christ in the city centre and Hempsted. We do this in a growing partnership with Gloucester Cathedral as together we serve the city.

We welcome people who are established in their faith and those who would like to know more.

Do come and see.

Canon Nikki Arthy, Rector


Hempsted Parish Magazine

All the latest news from Hempsted Parish

and the Local Community

click here to find out more……

Sunday Services for October

Hempsted, St Mary de Lode and St Mary deCrypt….

Prayer for the Week

Heavenly Father, I seek the generosity of spirit that knows no bounds. May I give not only material possessions but also the riches of time, attention, and love. Let my spirit overflow with abundance, for in giving, I receive your boundless blessings. Thank you for the generosity that fills my soul. Amen.

This week’s Pewsheet

Next Messy Church…….

Sunday 20 October at 3.30pm in the Lysons Hall

Do you know that Mars is coming to Gloucester?

From Tuesday 15 October - Sunday 3 November experience the wonders of Planet Mars right here on earth within the sacred walls of Gloucester Cathedral with Luke Jerram’s incredible Mars: War and Peace artwork. For details of everything that’s going on see the Cathedral website: